
Medicare Qualifications

A standard walker and related accessories such as; adjustable, fixed height, folding, or wheeled may be covered if all of the following criteria are met (1-3).

  1. The beneficiary has a mobility limitation that significantly impairs their ability to participate in one of more mobility-related activities of daily living (MRADL) in the home.


A mobility limitation is one that:

  1. Prevents the beneficiary from accomplishing the MRADL entirely, or
  2. Places the beneficiary at reasonably determined heightened risk of morbidity or mortality secondary to the attempts to perform the MRADL, or
  3. Prevents the beneficiary from completing the MRADL within a reasonable time frame


  1. The beneficiary is able to safely use the walker; and
  2. The functional mobility deficit can be sufficiently resolved with the use of a walker.


PLEASE NOTE: The use of a cane must be ruled out. The documentation must state with justification why a cane will not meet their needs.


A heavy duty walker is covered for beneficiaries who meet coverage criteria for a standard walker and who weigh more than 300 pounds.

A heavy duty, multiple braking system, variable wheel resistance walker is covered for beneficiaries who meet coverage criteria for a standard walker and who are unable to use a standard walker due to a severe neurologic disorder or other condition causing the restricted use of one hand.

PLEASE NOTE: Obesity, by itself, is not a sufficient reason for the need of a heavy duty, multiple braking system, variable wheel resistance walker.

ROLLATOR - The medical necessity for a walker with an enclosed frame has not been established. Therefore, if an enclosed frame walker is provided, it will be denied as not reasonable and necessary.

A walker with trunk support is covered for beneficiaries who meet coverage criteria for a standard walker and who have documentation in the medical record justifying the medical necessity for the special features.

PLEASE NOTE: Leg extensions are covered only for beneficiaries at least 6 feet tall.


Required Documentation for Medicare

  • Prescription – Written or typed and signed by the physician.
  • Detailed Written Order – Must be signed and dated by physician.
  • Chart Notes – Including information stating why a walker is medically necessary (must comply with Qualifications listed above).


If you are in need of more detailed information please click the link below to access the LCD.

Walkers LCD 



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Russell Medical, Inc.
4410 Dillon Lane, Suite 17

Corpus Christi, TX 78415

Phone: (361) 808-7382

Email: info@russellmedical.com

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Monday - Friday

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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