We provide assessments, fittings, education, service and follow up for our products and services.
Equipment and services provided include but are not limited to:
- Aids to augmentative communication systems
- Aids to daily living (feeding, dressing, hygiene, etc)
- Alternative specialty seating and positioning equipment
- Ambulation equipment (walkers, canes, crutches, tips/grips, etc)
- Assistive standing equipment (Prone/Supine Standers, EasyStand, etc)
- Bath aids (shower/bath chairs, shower hoses, grab bars, specialty equipment, etc)
- Breast Pumps
- Car seats, restraints, installation
- Custom molded seating systems
- Diabetic monitor and supplies
- Enteral feeding pumps and supplies
- Environmental and specialty controls (door openers, ECU systems, etc)
- Equipment repairs
- Hospital beds and accessories (trapeze bars, rails, etc)
- Knee Walkers
- Manual wheelchairs, accessories and supplies (pediatric and adult)
- Nebulizers & related supplies
- Patient lifts and specialty lift systems
- Portable ramps
- Powered wheelchairs, accessories, and supplies (pediatric and adult)
- Pressure relief/management systems
- Protective helmets (soft and hard shell, specialty)
- Rental Equipment
- Scooters (3 & 4 wheeled)
- Seat lift chairs
- Specialty seating systems for wheelchairs
- Specialty therapy items
- Stair lifts
- Suction machines and related supplies
- Supplies (diapers, pull-ons, underpads, ointments, gloves, syringes, etc)
- Toilet aids(raised toilet seats, commode chairs, specialty equipment, etc)
- Vehicle lifts